Thonny Online Collab
This live collaboration plug-in addresses issues with with teaching industry practices
Thonny Online Collab
This live collaboration plug-in addresses issues with with teaching industry practices
Ruha Cheng and Penk Chen have created a printable retro-style, high-quality digital camera. David Crookes sees no negatives
Review: micro:Pi
An all-in-one educational kit to teach IoT built on Raspberry Pi 3A+
Review: Marty the Robot V2
We take this two-legged robot for a walk and a wave.
Interview: Al Pemartin
A young maker from Andorra with a broad set of skills in making and the arts. By Rob Zwetsloot
FINAL WORD: Compatibility
Old Raspberry Pi computers still have a lot of life left in them, according to Rob Zwetsloot
Pico Pong
Recreating an arcade classic with gesture control on Raspberry Pi Pico
Controlling a commercial mini-split heat pump using a Raspberry Pi
Apple iPad Magic Mirror
Salvaging a smashed first-gen iPad by combining it with Raspberry Pi Zero
Temperature monitor
A simple, cheap and contactless solution for taking people's temperatures with Raspberry Pi
Become a Raspberry Pi Genius - boost your knowledge in The MagPi magazine issue #107
Deep dive problem-solving in this month's edition of The MagPi magazine.
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We have five THine camera cable extension kits up for grabs.
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