Build a Raspberry Pi Zero keyring
Need a Raspberry Pi in your grab-bag? Here’s how you can get a Raspberry Pi Zero up and running and networked just about anywhere
Build a Raspberry Pi Zero keyring
Need a Raspberry Pi in your grab-bag? Here’s how you can get a Raspberry Pi Zero up and running and networked just about anywhere
How to set up Raspberry Pi 4
Setting up Raspberry Pi is pretty straightforward. Just follow the advice of Rosie Hattersley
Learn artificial intelligence with Raspberry Pi
With these resources, your Pi can think for itself. PJ Evans gets (machine) learning
Make comics from TV recordings
Convert a recording from the Raspberry Pi TV HAT into a comic book and read the latest Doctor Who episode on your Kindle. By PJ Evans
Pictures from space via ham radio
Have you ever wanted to receive a radio signal from space? It’s fun and a lot easier than you might think!
Use NeoPixels with Raspberry Pi and Python
Light up a display cabinet with some NeoPixels, a Raspberry Pi, and a little Python code
Build a car computer 'carputer' with Raspberry Pi
Power up your in-car entertainment with a Raspberry Pi Car Computer (carputer) Raspberry Pi. By Rob Zwetsloot
Three Lego Boost Raspberry Pi projects
We hack the Lego Boost kit some more, to gain extra control, and create some fun projects
Monitor plant growth with AI and OpenCV
Measure the height and width of objects with your Raspberry Pi using only the Pi Camera Module and OpenCV
Hack electronics with GPIO Zero 1.5
Take an off-the-shelf battery-powered door-bell and hack it to add new features, add a camera, and use a tonal buzzer to create your own jingle
Code Pac-Man in Python (part 2)
Pac-Man captured the hearts and pocket money of many young people in the eighties. In part two of our Pac-Man guide, we add some groovy features to the game
Hack Lego Boost with Raspberry Pi
The Lego Boost robotics kit is designed to make learning to build and program robots fun and easy. Let’s hack it with some Python
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