Make a Scratch 3 SenseHAT game
Discover what’s new in Scratch 3 as you build this exciting racing game, using your Raspberry Pi as a steering wheel
Make a Scratch 3 SenseHAT game
Discover what’s new in Scratch 3 as you build this exciting racing game, using your Raspberry Pi as a steering wheel
Build a low-cost wheeled robot with Raspberry Pi
Use a lunchbox to build an inexpensive wheeled robot! Equipped with motors and Raspberry Pi, it is an excellent platform for robotic experiments
Make 8-bit sprites and animation in PICO-8
Develop your pixel-art prowess and learn how to animate sprites with PICO-8. We’ll throw in some cool space explosions along the way
Build a Raspberry Pi NAS
Got a lot of digital stuff? Make it available anywhere in your home with your own Raspberry Pi network-attached storage
Code a quiz game with Python on Raspberry Pi
Make your own text quiz game that mangles famous phrases using the Python language
Build a Retro game with PICO-8 for Raspberry Pi
You’ve played other people’s PICO-8 games, now it’s time to make your own! Create a retro space-shooter whilst learning the Lua language
Build a low-cost Raspberry Pi robot: the components you'll need
You want to build a robot without breaking the bank. Let’s see what parts we need, where they fit, and how to keep the cost down
Control servos with CircuitPython and Raspberry Pi
Want to use your powerful new Raspberry Pi 4 to control a robot? Adafruit’s Blinka library makes it very easy.
SSH: Remote control your Raspberry Pi
Remotely control your Raspberry Pi from a PC, Linux, or Mac computer and transfer files using SSH.
Squeeze Controller: hack a dynamo torch
Is it a joystick? Is it a paddle? No it’s ‘The Squeeze’ – a new type of games controller. By Mike Cook
Make a self-healing Raspberry Pi: create a recovery partition
Get back to a fresh install with no need to wipe the microSD card, download images, or use another computer
PICO-8 for Raspberry Pi starter guide
Turn your Raspberry Pi into the coolest console around with PICO-8! Play, make, and share 8-bit games
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