Build a Samba file server
Use Samba/CIFS to share a Raspberry Pi directory with other computers on a network
Build a Samba file server
Use Samba/CIFS to share a Raspberry Pi directory with other computers on a network
Code Pac-Man in Python
Pac-Man captured the hearts and pocket money of many young people in the eighties. Since then, it has made its way onto just about every computer system and console
Develop an Android app with Raspberry Pi
Can you create an app with just a Raspberry Pi and install it on your Android phone? Of course you can, and here’s how…
ANPR: Car Spy Raspberry Pi
Who’s that parked on the driveway? Find out automatically using ANPR
Build a Teachable Machine with Coral's USB Accelerator
Use the Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi Camera to build a device that can be taught to recognise objects. By Lucy Hattersley
Fortnite API score ticker with Raspberry Pi
Love Fortnite? Don’t miss a thing, with the latest scores, news, and events displayed live on a Sense HAT
Build your own telephone exchange with Raspberry Pi
Transform your humble home phone line into a feature-packed PBX with Raspberry Pi and Asterisk
Build a Raspberry Pi telephone exchange
Transform your humble home phone line into a feature-packed PBX with Raspberry Pi and Asterisk
Smart door automation
Adding a Raspberry Pi to your door has magical results. Want to see who’s at the door or know when the post has arrived? Control the lock? Read on…
How to open Terminal and use the command line
By using the Terminal app to enter Command Line code on a Raspberry Pi, you are able to work faster and smarter. Discover the basic command line tools you need to work from the Linux terminal
How to install NOOBS on a Raspberry Pi
Use NOOBS to install Raspbian OS on your microSD card and start your Raspberry Pi.
The best Minecraft with Raspberry Pi resources
David Crookes looks at the resources that help you find your way around this sandbox video game
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