DIY sunrise alarm
Use a breadboard and simple components to sense light levels and activate a loud (and blinky) alarm to wake you up each morning!
DIY sunrise alarm
Use a breadboard and simple components to sense light levels and activate a loud (and blinky) alarm to wake you up each morning!
Wire and loop game with Raspberry Pi and Python
This Wire and Loop game is a great project for learning basic circuits, electronics and Python coding
ProtoBoard review
A PCB breadboard-style prototyping board with extra features
Speed record: Pegasus and the North American Eagle
This land speed record-attempting jet car has a Raspberry Pi sitting right behind the driver
Pi Loom
A weaving wonder controlled entirely by Raspberry Pi
Turn your Pi into an Amiga
Recapture the glory days of 16-bit computing by turning your Pi into a faithful Amiga emulator
New York audio pollution monitoring with SONYC
The sounds of New York City is a novel project by New York University NYU) to monitor noise pollution in the city.
Mote pHAT review
A more compact way to control Mote light strips
Coding guide and free PIXEL DVD in The MagPi 53
Get a free Debian + PIXEL DVD with this month's The MagPi and learn to code with our main feature
Debian + PIXEL: Raspberry Pi OS for Mac and PC
How to use the Raspberry Pi operating system with the PIXEL desktop interface on your Mac and PC
Gingerbread face detection robot
Learn how OpenCV works by building a gingerbread robot with a Raspberry Pi Camera
Wifi detector - know who's at home
Set up a sensor-free presence detector to let you know when someone’s close enough to connect to the WiFi
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