Film transfer to digital video: Pi Film Capture
The Raspberry Pi Film converter transfers old movie reels to digital video
Film transfer to digital video: Pi Film Capture
The Raspberry Pi Film converter transfers old movie reels to digital video
Tracking Telescope Mount
For Mike Hamende, making something is far more exciting and rewarding than logging into an online store, as his Pi-powered tracking telescope mount proves
Power your Raspberry Pi: expert advice for a supply
Don’t let your Raspberry Pi suffer from a shortage of volts. Our expert guide to safe and portable power supply for the Raspberry Pi will help
WD PiDrive Compute Centre review
Build a Raspberry Pi computer with a 375GB hard drive
Pi Wars 2017: Raspberry Pi robots rise to the challenge
Robot makers from around the world gather in Cambridge for the Pi Wars robotics challenge
Incredible Raspberry Pi Projects in Issue 56 of The MagPi
Raspberry Pi projects for digital makers of all abilities
Code Club International
Code Club helps get kids coding around the world. Here’s how…
Screensaver for Raspberry Pi with new Cambridge theme
Cambridge Theme for Raspbian with PIXEL gives you screensavers and new desktop images
GeRo, the German robot
A real humanoid robot powered by a Raspberry Pi, the German Robot (GeRo) is like a more advanced Rapiro
RX300 Thin Client: Windows and cloud computing Raspberry Pi device
The RX300 thin client is a virtual computer client built using a Rasbperry Pi 3.
Pi Wars USA: robot competition heads to America
Raspberry Pi robotics competition in Philadelphia
Intro to C - the string library
Using the C string library to simplify common operations on strings
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