Learn SQL and database design with Raspberry Pi
SQL and NoSQL databases a mystery? PJ Evans has some recommendations to get you started
Learn SQL and database design with Raspberry Pi
SQL and NoSQL databases a mystery? PJ Evans has some recommendations to get you started
NexDock 2 review
This laptop dock could be just the portable Raspberry Pi solution we’ve been looking for.
AdventurePi: portable Raspberry Pi arcade machine
Zach Levine’s portable arcade project lets you choose your own AdventurePi, as David Crookes explains
Get started with electronics and Raspberry Pi
If you bought a Raspberry Pi to learn how to make electronic gizmos, you’re in for a treat. Here are some tips to get started. By Mark Vanstone
NeoPixel LED Mirror
Your face in lights thanks to 576 LEDs. Rob Zwetsloot puts on his best hat and takes a look at this ‘mirror’, and himself
Build a seismograph with Raspberry Shake
Make an earthquake detector using Raspberry Pi and Shake sensors, then connect to a global network to get involved in citizen science at its finest
Mini Bellagio Water Show
This miniature replica fountain features water jets synchronised to music.
Win signed Raspberry Pi 4 computers, books, and accessories
Win signed Raspberry Pi 4 desktop kits
Build a Magic Mirror
Build a Magic Mirror with a Raspberry Pi, small display and observation glass
#MonthOfMaking, Starter Electronics and new entry-level Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB RAM in The MagPi 91
Let's build together with #MonthOfMaking in The MagPi magazine issue 91. Plus we talk to Eben Upton about the new entry-level Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB RAM
Win a Raspberry Pi Desktop kit SIGNED by Eben Upton!
A Raspberry Pi desktop kit is up for grabs!
A shiny music box with a clear door for a screen proves an ideal upcycling candidate for an eighties tech fan keen to keep tabs on the weather. Rosie Hattersley hears more
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