Lyra Handheld Game Console review
Fantastic-looking Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 Lite-powered handheld game console for gaming on the go.
Lyra Handheld Game Console review
Fantastic-looking Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 Lite-powered handheld game console for gaming on the go.
Christina Foust Interview
One of the creators of the current Digital Making at Home streams tells us how she went from teacher to a different kind of teacher
Stellina review
Go stargazing with this Raspberry Pi-powered, automated telescope. Rob Zwetsloot explores the universe with it
Smart Garden
What do you do when your BBQ no longer BBQs? Well, you could repurpose it as a smart garden and reap the flavourful rustic rewards. Nicola King gets green-fingered...
Lunchbox Arcade Game
A gaming fan dumped his sandwiches to become a legend in his own lunch hour. Rosie Hattersley finds out how
Build a retro CD-ROM console
Connect a PC DVD-ROM drive and CRT TV to Raspberry Pi to play original disc games for 1990s computers and consoles
pi-top [4] DIY Edition
Sturdy and feature-packed case for Raspberry Pi. Lucy Hattersley asks if pi-top [4] is the right portable option
Remote Humidity Detector
Crawl spaces are not for the claustrophobic – or anyone with a fear of creepy-crawlies. David Crookes looks at how Jamie Bailey monitors his from afar
Raspberry Pi Prayer Reminder Clock
Designed to be installed on the wall of a mosque, Muslim school, or home, this project makes it easy to display accurate prayer times, as David Crookes discovers
Raspberry Pi 400 specifications, benchmarks, and personal computer kit
The new all-in-one Raspberry Pi 400 is the only desktop computer you need
Coffee Stirrer Camera
Capturing photos through a ‘lens’ of thousands of coffee straws, this strange camera produces some amazing images. Phil King goes for a close-up
Raspberry Pi Ultimate Wishlist in The MagPi magazine #99
The Raspberry Pi Ultimate Wishlist and Holiday projects for a festive home inside the latest edition of The MagPi magazine.
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