Mini Observatory
Finally having the time to focus on his hobbies led one maker to design and build a self-contained star-gazing setup
Mini Observatory
Finally having the time to focus on his hobbies led one maker to design and build a self-contained star-gazing setup
CinePI is an open-source cinema camera that lends itself to DIY design, including larger sensors
Volcano-monitoring Ultraviolet PiCam
Volcanic activity is dramatic but often devastating for nearby communities. Rosie Hattersley finds out about a Raspberry Pi-based alert system
Badger and Fox Deterrent
Scaring off unwelcome garden visitors with a nocturnal scarecrow simply screamed Raspberry Pi project for one maker
Pico Bubble Machine
A Syrian academic uses MicroPython to teach kids the joy of coding
Retro Pi World Radio
An old wooden radio case with off-centre speaker has been turned into a world radio controlled via a 2GB Raspberry Pi 4
TouchCam camera
A love of making shines through in this Raspberry Pi 4-based TouchCam project
PaperPi V3 e-paper display
Whizz-bang technology is all very impressive but, as a consumer, it’s also exhausting. Rosie Hattersley was delighted to hear of a more subtle Raspberry Pi-based approach
Team Pinball
The thrill of pinball, plus the chance to plot a brand-new game, came together nicely with the help of Raspberry Pi. Rosie Hattersley hears how
Raspberry Pi Pico Plant Waterer
If the idea of asking a neighbour to water your houseplants while you’re away is rather awks, this Raspberry Pi project will save your blushes, suggests Rosie Hattersley
K-9 Doctor Who companion
Recreating a beloved TV character or prop is fairly exciting. Rosie Hattersley hears how Raspberry Pi allows one maker to give K-9 multiple Whovian features
Elecrow SH080 8-inch mini HDMI screen review
Elecrow’s companion display for Raspberry Pi, games consoles, and other devices leaves Rosie Hattersley confused
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