Use Wii Nunchucks with Raspberry Pi
Matrix Voice board: eight mic array
Ohbot Pi review
The educational robot face now comes with a Raspberry Pi version. How educational is it, though?
Coolest Projects comes to the UK
Pi Zero GPIO expander tutorial
Access the GPIO pins on a Pi Zero from your PC, or double the available GPIOs on a Pi 3!
The Next Verse: Raspberry Pi at the V&A Museum
Important information about The MagPi magazine 67
Hologram Nova review
Connecting a Raspberry Pi to a mobile network anywhere in the world is something Rob Zwetsloot is very interested in
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Rediscover Retro Computing in The MagPi #67
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a C64, Amiga, BBC Micro or any other classic computer.
Win! AIY Projects Vision Kits
Chiptune music album made with Raspberry Pi