WD PiDrive Node Zero review
A custom low-energy hard drive coupled with a Pi Zero
WD PiDrive Node Zero review
A custom low-energy hard drive coupled with a Pi Zero
Touch pHAT review
An easy way to add button and touch inputs to your projects
Samba: Set up a Raspberry Pi as a File Server for your local network
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a Samba file server to back up and share content from anywhere on your local network
Tiny 4WD Robot Rover: new Pi Zero robotics kit from Pi Wars designer
The Tiny 4WD Robot Rober is a new Pi Zero kit built by Coretec Robotics
Tough Pi-ano
Hammer the keys on this incredibly robust musical instrument
Add an off-switch to power down your Pi
Add a switch to your Raspberry Pi to safely shut it down without pulling the power
Joy Bonnet review
Mount a joypad on your Pi Zero to get retro gaming
Trophy Camera uses Raspberry Pi and AI to snap Award Winning photographs
This Trophy Camera only takes award-winning shots. With a Raspberry Pi inside, this camera uses AI to detect if shots captured are award-worthy.
Raspberry Pi and CoderDojo merge to bring digital making to more kids!
Two educational charities join forces to help teach more people how to code as the Raspberry Pi Foundation and CoderDojo Foundation merge
Make with Minecraft Pi in The MagPi 58
We’re back with more amazing Minecraft Pi projects and more things to do with your AIY Voice Projects Kit
AIY projects a huge success, how to buy a Voice Kit when it goes on sale?
Missed out on The MagPi #57? Get hold of an AIY Projects Voice Kit when it goes on sale
Amazon Dash hack with Raspberry Pi and Python
Rescue Amazon’s £5 smart button from the monotony of ordering loo roll, and use it to do anything you like
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