The MagPi — Issue 143

  • Discover Robot Explorers! Build your own robotic rover with our guide to the best Raspberry Pi science robots around.

  • Build a retro gaming magic mirror. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. What’s the best game of them all?

  • Get smarter with Raspberry Pi AI Kit. Add an extra dimension to your projects with the excellent new AI Kit HAT+.

  • Master dates in Python. They’re a thorny subject, but mastering dates in Python can make your projects far more powerful.

  • Incredible cooking projects. Make a Raspberry Pie with Raspberry Pi and these amazing kitchen-themed projects.

  • Raspberry Pi success stories. Hundreds of people have turned Raspberry Pi into a successful company. We look at the biggest success stories to date.

  • WIN! AI Kits up for grabs!

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