Essentials - Making with Minecraft

Minecraft is the biggest game on the planet with more than 30 million copies sold across numerous hardware platforms. Not bad for a sandbox that doesn’t really have a point. The version of Minecraft available for Raspberry Pi is different. Firstly it’s entirely free and secondly it comes with a powerful API, which allows you to hack and make entire virtual worlds with a few simple lines of code.

In this book you’ll learn how to do some amazing things, including controlling things in the real world using the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins, make your own mini games and just about anything else you can imagine.

Learn to hack and make with Minecraft through 13 chapters:

  • Play the game and write your first program
  • Learn how to control blocks using the API
  • Create your first mini games
  • Use the GPIO with the Python API
  • Control Minecraft with Node-RED and Sonic Pi
  • and much, much more!

Hack and Make with Minecraft is freely licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA-NC 3.0).

You can download this eBook free now and forever, but buying in print or digital supports the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s charitable mission to democratise computing.

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