Steam Link on Raspberry Pi

By Rob Zwetsloot. Posted

Valve puts its game-streaming Steam Link app into beta on Raspberry Pi

Steam Link Raspberry Pis have been something of a dream for many years. While there are DIY, hacky methods to make one, Valve has now released the Steam Link software directly for Raspberry Pi.

 Steam Link on Raspberry Pi is very important

It’s currently in beta, and available right now as a package you can install in Raspbian. Valve recommends using a Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 3B+ for it, and early reports suggest it’s already working extremely well.

Pi-based replacement?

 Gone, but not forgotten

It’s interesting timing now that the original Steam Link hardware is being discontinued by Valve. Does it hint towards a software future for their streaming solution? Maybe even a Steam-branded Pi solution? We’ll definitely be keeping an eye on what they do.

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