Earlier this week the brand new Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 was revealed to the world, with its headline feature of an 8-megapixel sensor. It's been a few years since the original came out and the new camera is an excellent little upgrade to the existing one; you can find out exactly how its better with our complete breakdown in issue 45 of the magazine out today.
As well as covering the camera and giving you some projects to start off with, we also have a look at the ten best Pi-powered arcade machines that will hopefully give you some ideas for a retro games system of your own. There's also tutorials on how to create lighting effects for costumes with a Pi and some NeoPixels, start making an Asteroids clone in Basic, and build an IoT thermometer. We also have Astro Pi news, excellent projects, reviews, and everything else you'd expect from your monthly MagPi.
As usual you can get The MagPi in stores from WH Smith, Tesco, Sainsburys, and Asda as well as buying issues online from our store. It's also available digitally via our app on Android and iOS. If you fancy subscribing to the magazine to make sure you never miss an issue, you can do that to on our subscription site.
We hope you enjoy this month's issue!