Ch 8.0 is a C/C++ interpreter and learning tool. The developers SoftIntegration have released an ARM compatible version, that runs on a Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi owners can download the program for free.
SoftIntegration Inc calls it, “the most complete cross-platform C/C++ interpreter”, available free for Raspberry Pi users as part of the C-STEMbian OS based on Raspbian. The latter also includes a WiringPi binding to enable easier access to the Pi’s GPIO pins in C/C++ programs.
Free download: Essentials Guide - Learn to code with C
Ch 8.0: free C/C++ interpreter for Raspberry Pi
Equipped with a user-friendly IDE (ChIDE), the interpreter is designed to help students learn coding, robotics, and maths. Wayne Cheng, SoftIntegration’s VP for Application and Business Development, points out: “Ch is a superset of C with salient features of C++ and many extensions including computational arrays, plotting, QuickAnimation, and advanced numerical computing capabilities.
Soft Integration says:
Ch version 8.0 is a major release with many new features and bug fixes to make Ch especially appealing for beginners in K-14 to learn coding, robotics, math, and Raspberry Pi. Many new features are introduced to support UC Davis C-STEM Studio --- a platform for teaching computing, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (C-STEM) in K-14 for integrated learning. Ch Professional Edition 8.0 bundles Ch Mechanism Toolkit for design and analysis of many different mechanisms such as fourbar linkage, crank-slider mechanism, cam-follower system, etc. Ch Professional Edition 8.0 supports low-cost Raspberry Pi, Pi Zero, Pi Zero W, and ARM based single-board computers for coding, making, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Ch Professional and Embedded Ch for ARM and Raspberry Pi are free for non-commercial use.
The program is also a command shell, a very high-level language (VHLL) for shell programming and scripting for rapid prototyping. Therefore, it can be used not only for learning C/C++, but also for serious software development and applications.”
As well as 1999 ISO C Standard (C99) and C++ classes, it supports many industry standards including POSIX, X11, and OpenGL. An Embedded version is also available, enabling users to embed it into C/C++ applications as a scripting and programming engine.
More abut the interpreter, and download info, can be found on the SoftIntegration website.