Explore the underwater world with a Raspberry Pi camera
Explore the underwater world with a Raspberry Pi camera
PiVR - a Pi PVR
Make your own PVR to record and watch live TV, as well as stream video and audio
Use Scratch 2.0 on Raspberry Pi
Get access to the upgrade for Scratch on your Raspberry Pi via some very easy steps
Configuration Tool: PIXEL's raspi-config alternative
Learn your way around the configuration tool found in Raspbian Jessie
Beginner's Guide to NOOBS
The easiest way to set up a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and other operating systems, is to use the NOOBS installer
Sonic Pi - live coding practice
Practice makes perfect and Sam Aaron has eight tips on how to do that
Burn SD cards with Etcher
In our Raspberry Pi 101 series, learn how to create Pi SD cards with Etcher
piOneer - build a DIY action cam
Build your own battery-powered, slow-motion, 90fps action camera to prove you’ve ‘been there and done that’!
Machine Learning: Google Cloud Vision camera
Combine Google Cloud Vision machine learning tech with a Raspberry Pi to build a very smart camera
Build a number plate reader - part two
Following on from our previous tutorial, we use a Camera Module to recognise the number plates of the cars passing by
Voice control on your Pi
Use Amazon’s Alexa service on a Raspberry Pi and open up a world of voice-control projects
Pi bakery: rhythmic gymnastics
Create hypnotic ribbon effects with this ribbon twirling simulator just like in the Olympics
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