So you've set up your Raspberry Pi, surfed the web, and played around with Raspbian OS. Now it's time to make your Raspberry Pi do something in the real world.
In The MagPi #81, we look at the best way to build a Raspberry Pi project. We've scoured the community to get tips and tricks from famous makers; collected all the best skills and kit you'll need; and put together a varied list of quirky and interesting projects to get you started.
Click here to buy The MagPi #81.
Build a car computer
One of the ultimate mods is to upgrade your car with the latest computer technology. You'll be surprised how easy it is to connect a Raspberry Pi to your car system to access telemetry data. You can add GPS and dash-cam recording functionality to your car. Everything you need to know is in The MagPi #81.
The GTA: San Andreas Radio project
Grand Theft Auto is famous for its radio stations, with folks enjoying the in-record jokes and chat as much as the music. The GTA: San Andreas Radio Set puts all this audio inside a classic radio. Use the tuning knob to switch channels thanks to a Raspberry Pi and two rotary encoders.
Putting a Raspberry Pi inside a Commodore monitor
The Raspberry Pi is an excellent computer for retro emulation, and we're no strangers to turning a Raspberry Pi into a Commodore 64. One reader has taken things to a whole new level by putting a Raspberry Pi inside the age-old Commodore 1702 monitor.
Learn to play with Chord Assist
This guitar has been turned into an AI voice assistant to help deaf, blind, and mute people learn to play the guitar. Read all about it in this month's edition of The MagPi magazine.
This Month in Pi: Coolest Projects USA
CoderDojo's spectacular event returns to Los Angeles and showcases some of the best projects built by students across America.
Plus! Win One of 10 HiFiBerry DAC+ADC kits
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